What makes a good holistic skincare routine?


Let’s talk about skincare routines—because here’s the thing: you don’t need 15 products to have healthy, glowing skin. You don’t even need seven. You need four simple steps. Let’s break it down.

1. Cleanse Your Skin

First things first, you need to wash your face. We all know this, right? But the important question to ask is why you’re washing your face. If you wear makeup daily, you need to remove it to prevent the buildup of makeup ingredients like foundations, mascaras, and blushes. These ingredients can clog your pores, stopping them from doing their job of nourishing your skin and protecting your body.

Washing your face isn’t just about getting rid of dirt, either. If you’ve been outdoors, exposed to the sun, or wearing sunscreen, those things need to come off at the end of the day, too. But here’s the thing: don’t get caught up in the double-washing trap. Over-washing can dry out your skin and cause irritation. You’re not that dirty, and if you’re using the right cleanser, it’ll remove the gunk without stripping your skin of its moisture.

You don’t need harsh cleansers loaded with chemicals either. You need something gentle. The goal is to wash away residue without over-drying or adding more chemicals into your skin. Your skin is a sponge—treat it kindly.

2. Exfoliate or Use a Mask

Next, we’ve got exfoliating. Exfoliation is key because, even after washing, your skin is far from flat. You have tiny little pores where debris and residue can get trapped. To keep your skin fresh, exfoliation is necessary, and you want to do this about once a week.

There are two ways to exfoliate: physical exfoliants (like scrubs) and chemical exfoliants (like glycolic acid). Chemical exfoliants often get a bad rap, especially for sensitive skin, but let me reassure you—they don’t have to be harsh. The key is choosing the right one and using it properly.

Your skin is constantly renewing itself. The skin you see is actually dead, the last layer of cells that have moved up from the bottom to shed away. If your skin feels irritated or inflamed, it’s probably because of clogged pores or the wrong products. Exfoliation helps get rid of this buildup.

I recommend using a gentle chemical exfoliant with glycolic acid, which can dissolve debris in the pores and gently melt away residue. Glycolic acid is small enough to penetrate your pores without causing harm, and it can work wonders for keeping your skin clear and smooth. If you have sensitive skin, just leave it on for a shorter time.

Remember, exfoliation doesn’t need to be harsh. You don’t have to punish your skin to get it to look beautiful—it should be a nurturing process, not a brutal one.

3. Use a Serum

After cleansing and exfoliating, your skin is ready to absorb nutrients, and that’s where serums come in. A serum delivers active ingredients directly to your skin to boost its health and vitality. Think of it like feeding your skin, just like you feed your body.

At Louloudi Skincare, we use a probiotic peptide serum mist, which is packed with coconut water electrolytes, green tea, and sea kelp. These ingredients provide a powerful vitamin C boost, helping with things like hyperpigmentation and anti-aging. Peptides are especially great for your skin. They’re amino acid chains that help restructure the collagen and elastin in your skin, keeping it firm, flexible, and youthful. Peptides help to nourish your skin from within, strengthening its foundation and ensuring it stays tight and plump.

A good serum should provide your skin with the building blocks it needs to thrive. Look for products that contain peptides, as they’re vital for skin health.

4. Moisturize and Protect

While I haven’t gone into moisturizers here, remember that after your serum, you’ll want to lock in all the goodness with a moisturizer that suits your skin type. And don't forget sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

A Holistic Approach

What makes a good skincare routine isn’t how many products you use, but how you use them. Holistic skincare is about nurturing your skin with the ingredients and rituals that support its natural function. With just a few simple steps—cleansing, exfoliating, applying a serum, and moisturizing—you can achieve youthful, radiant skin without overwhelming it.

Your skin deserves the best, and by sticking to a simple, holistic skincare routine, you can give it just that. No need for 15 products—just four things done right.

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CanDace Johnson

PR, Marketing and social media maven


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