Vegetable Fermentation Recipe (Weight-Based)- with a witchy twist
Fresh vegetables (e.g., greens, radishes, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers)
Non-iodized salt (such as sea salt or kosher salt)
Filtered or chlorine-free waterever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
A large mixing bowl
Glass fermentation jars, mason jars, or any large glass vessel
A kitchen scale
Clean, sanitized crystals (e.g., Rose Quartz) or stones for weighting
A clean cloth (cheesecloth or any breathable fabric)
Rubber bands or string
1. Prepare the Vegetables:
Begin your magical journey by selecting fresh vegetables and welcoming them into your space. Take a moment to connect with the life force within each vegetable, acknowledging the Earth's energy they carry.
Wash your vegetables thoroughly, symbolically cleansing them of any impurities.
2. Weigh the Vegetables:
Using your kitchen scale, measure the weight of the vegetables and establish a connection with their essence. Determine the amount of salt needed based on a 2-2.5% salt-to-vegetable weight ratio.
3. Bless the Water:
In your cauldron or ritual bowl, bless the water by infusing it with your intentions. Visualize pure, healing energy flowing into the water as you speak words of power. "May this water be a conduit of health and vitality for my creations."
4. Make the Brine:
Dissolve the calculated amount of salt in the blessed water. Feel the energies merge and harmonize, infusing the brine with your intentions and love for the vegetables.
5. Pack the Vegetables:
Lovingly place the prepared vegetables in your large mixing bowl, imbuing them with your intentions for nourishment, longevity, and the taste you desire.
Pour the brine over the vegetables, feeling the life-giving energy enveloping them completely.
6. Fermentation Container:
Transfer the brine-soaked vegetables into your chosen glass fermentation vessel. As you do, share your intentions with the container and the contents, asking for a harmonious and healthful transformation.
7. Weight and Cover:
For the weight, use your sanitized crystals or stones, previously cleansed in your dishwasher, to hold the vegetables below the brine. Imagine these stones as guardians of the ferment, protecting and enhancing the magical process.
Cover the container with a breathable cloth, like cheesecloth or any fabric, securing it with a rubber band. This allows for the exchange of energies while keeping the elements out.
8. Magic of Time:
Allow the vegetables to sit in your sacred space for 3-4 days, imbuing them with the energies of transformation and the Earth's cycles. Taste the magic unfolding as you check their progress.
9. Store and Enjoy:
When the fermentation aligns with your intentions and taste preferences, remove the stones and replace the cloth with a lid.
Store your enchanted fermented vegetables in the refrigerator to preserve their magical essence and savor their deep, flavorful magic.