Trying to raise your frequency? Here are confirming results you can actually measure.

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Are you on a journey to raise your frequency or curious about the changes that accompany such a transformation? Welcome to Louloudi Skincare, where we explore the fascinating world of frequencies and provide insights into how you can check and notice shifts in your energy.

Feeling Better and Being Present

One of the most noticeable changes as your frequency increases is an improvement in your mood. Waking up with a positive state of mind becomes more frequent, creating a ripple effect throughout your day. Additionally, you become more embodied and present in your current body and experiences. The higher your frequency, the more you'll find yourself in the present moment, with things naturally aligning in your favor.

Visualizing Dreams and Symbols

Depending on the elevation of your frequency, you may start experiencing more vivid dreams and encountering new experiences in your dream state. Pay attention to symbols and meaningful numbers like 111 and 333, as they tend to appear more frequently. These signs act as confirmations that you are on the right path and that positive changes are occurring.

Reduced Mood Swings and External Resilience

As your frequency rises, you'll observe a reduction in mood swings over time. External factors that once affected you may bother you less, contributing to a sense of emotional stability. This newfound resilience is a positive sign of your increased vibrational frequency.

Checking Your Frequency

To gauge your progress, consider using a frequency scale to assess where you are and how you feel. This self-reflection tool can provide valuable insights into your energetic state and guide your ongoing efforts to elevate your frequency.

Embracing Chaos for Shifts

Chaos often precedes a shift in frequency. Rather than fearing chaotic moments, embrace them. They signify an opportunity for patterns to be broken, paving the way for realignment. During chaotic moments, call out to the universe, express gratitude for your current state, and set intentions for what you truly desire. Embracing chaos can lead to a new timeline or storyline.

Preserve and Protect Your Energy Course

For those seeking a structured approach to increasing vibrational rates, Louloudi Skincare offers the "Preserve and Protect Your Energy" course. Priced at $15, this comprehensive resource includes over twelve courses covering topics such as smudging, salt earthing, aura protection, and energy bubbles. It's a valuable tool to help you maintain and elevate your energy, with lifetime online access and regular updates.

Mastering Energy Independence - The Essential Guide to Raising Your Vibrations and Maintaining Harmony in Any Environment!
One time

Ready to reclaim your energy and thrive? Our Preserve and Protect Your Energy Course is your guide to holistic well-being. Explore the depths of energy, fortify your boundaries with proven methods like smudging and crystal cleansing, and discover the magic of your aura and chakras. With practical exercises and transformative meditations, you'll cultivate gratitude, shield your aura, and unleash your inner glow.

✓ Manifest more effortlessly
✓ Practical exercises and transformative meditations
✓ Expert Guidance
✓ Shield Your Aura, Fortify your Chakras
✓ Unleash your inner glow with confidence.

If you are committed to raising your vibrational frequency and enhancing your overall well-being, these insights and practices are a great starting point. Whether you observe changes in your mood, dream experiences, or external resilience, each shift is a positive sign of progress. Embrace chaos as an opportunity for growth, and consider exploring the "Preserve and Protect Your Energy" course for a deeper understanding and practical guidance on your journey.

Thank you for being a part of our community at Louloudi Skincare. May your days be filled with positive vibrations and continuous elevation.

CanDace Johnson

PR, Marketing and social media maven

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