Sharpen your psychic skills-exercises to enhance your intuition.

Opening Up to Psychic Centers:

To uncover your innate psychic abilities, it's essential to open up to your psychic centers. These energy hubs, often referred to as chakras, are gateways to heightened perception and connection with the cosmos. To find the one that resonates most with you, start with a grounding exercise. Visualize a radiant white light enveloping your entire being, creating a protective shield. As you feel grounded and safe, explore each psychic center, paying attention to your intuitive responses. One of them may feel particularly vibrant and responsive, indicating your primary psychic center.

Expanding Your Energetic Senses:

This exercise is designed to sharpen your awareness of your energetic field, allowing you to gradually expand your sensory perception. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  1. Focus on the Center: Begin by directing your attention to the center of your body. It could be your heart space or your solar plexus, where the chakras are situated. Tune into the sensations in this area. Does it feel warm, cool, or neutral? Is there any tingling or tightness? Stay here for a few moments, simply observing.

  2. Expand Layer by Layer: Now, imagine a layer of energy extending out from the center. It's like a soft, luminous bubble enveloping your body. Concentrate on sensing this layer, paying attention to any subtle changes in temperature, pressure, or vibration. As you become more attuned, expand this layer even further.

  3. Progress Upward: Gradually move your focus up through your body. Shift your attention to the next chakra point or energy center. Begin with the root chakra, and repeat the process—observing, expanding, and noting any changes in sensation.

  4. Expand to Include the Entire Body: Continue progressing through each chakra, one by one, moving up from the root chakra to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra. With each chakra, expand your awareness, embracing a larger portion of your body's energy field.

  5. Explore Your Limits: You can experiment with expanding your awareness beyond your body, reaching out as far as you feel comfortable. Imagine your energetic presence extending beyond the boundaries of your physical form.

Tightening Your Intuitive Power and Receiving More from the Universe:

This exercise enhances your ability to sense and connect with your energy field, which can help you become more attuned to your chakras and inner self. It's particularly effective when performed regularly, gradually expanding your sensory awareness to encompass the entire body and beyond.

Once you've expanded your awareness and become attuned to the layers of your energetic field, it's time to focus on enhancing your physical senses. Before diving into this part of the exercise, it's beneficial to create a protective shield around yourself. Visualize a radiant, white light enveloping your entire being, ensuring you are surrounded by pure and positive energy.

Expanding Your Senses and Connecting with the Universe:

  1. Amplify Your Hearing: Direct your attention to your ears. Enhance the quality of sound by focusing on your auditory senses. Listen carefully to the sounds around you, embracing layers from distant hums to closer whispers.

  2. Sharpen Your Vision: Shift your focus to your eyes. Let your vision become acute, absorbing details with heightened clarity. Expand your sight in a calm state, notice patterns. Decrease focus without straining, maintaining a soft and open gaze.

  3. Tune into Your Sense of Smell: Concentrate on your sense of smell. Breathe deeply, isolating scents, distinguishing between close and far. Explore each scent, notice any visions or ideas it evokes.

  4. Enhance Your Sense of Taste: Turn attention to taste. Savor flavors deliberately, isolating each note. Feel into the moment, using energy to heighten your experience. Notice additional sensations beyond taste.

  5. Feel More: Connect with your sense of touch. Feel fabric against your skin or earth beneath your feet with heightened awareness. Touch various textures, explore sensations, and observe any accompanying feelings, thoughts, or visual cues.

  6. Open to the Universe: Expand your senses and stay receptive to the universe. Recognize your connection to the cosmic tapestry. By attuning your senses, you deepen your connection with the energies of the universe.

  7. Closing and Gratitude: Gently return to the present moment. Express gratitude to spiritual guides or sources of support. Thank them for their presence and guidance during this sensory exercise.

CanDace Johnson

PR, Marketing and social media maven

Third Eye


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