Natural Hormonal Acne Treatments
Understanding and Managing Hormonal Acne
One of the biggest misconceptions about chronic acne, especially hormonal acne, is that it can be cured with skincare alone. As a skincare company, we know that treating hormonal acne requires addressing the root cause—imbalanced hormones—to eliminate it for good. Several factors can disrupt your hormones, and here are some solutions to help you on your hormonal acne journey.
Hormonal acne can be a frustrating and persistent problem for many individuals. Unlike regular acne, which can be treated with topical solutions, hormonal acne often requires a more comprehensive approach. This blog explores the signs, underlying causes, and effective treatments for hormonal acne, helping you understand how to manage and eventually overcome it.
How to Identify Hormonal Acne
Timing and Signs: Hormonal acne typically occurs around your menstrual cycle. It may have first appeared during puberty, but a key indicator is how painful or heavy your menstrual cycle is. A particularly heavy menstrual cycle can be a sign of hormonal acne, which often shows up before the period even begins.
Underlying Causes: As your body prepares for the menstrual cycle, it undergoes a chemical reaction to deliver progesterone and estrogen to the proper areas. This process can be disrupted due to several reasons, including blockages in the lymphatic system, thyroid dysregulation, or imbalances in the chakra system. These disruptions can be caused by various factors, leading to the appearance of hormonal acne.
Emotional Imbalances Leading to Skin Issues
Negative Attitude Towards Menstruation: Your thoughts affect your body. When you regret, ignore, or despise your period, it can manifest on your face. Stress triggers your adrenal glands, causing your body to tense up and making the experience worse. Your body craves a gentler approach, so ease up on hard workouts, overbooking, overscheduling, and excessive drinking. Treat yourself with kindness through relaxing baths, additional rest, and self-nourishment.
Operating from Masculine Energy: Masculine energy is necessary to get things done, but feminine energy is about receiving and listening. Without giving your body or mind time to receive, you miss out on key lessons trying to reach you.
Feeling Unsafe or Out of Alignment: When you feel out of alignment or unsafe, your body uses pain to alert you. Creating a safe and nurturing environment for yourself can help manage these feelings.
Physical Imbalances Leading to Skin Issues
Toxins in the Body: Many everyday products contain ingredients that disrupt hormonal fluctuations, such as makeup, skincare products, candles, and cleaning products. These products leave an imprint in the body, and while companies claim the amounts are small, they build up over time. Women tend to use more personal care products than men, leading to higher exposure levels. Efforts to minimize exposure can include choosing products labeled as free from harmful chemicals, using glass or stainless-steel containers instead of plastic, and consuming organic produce to reduce pesticide intake.
Our skincare products are designed to provide a clean way to get the glow. Make sure you are vigilant about cleaning out your cabinets to ensure you are not hurting your body or your family.
Clean Out Harmful Products: Take control of your body by cleaning out your medicine cabinets, pantry, and personal care items to ensure you are not exposing yourself to hormone-disrupting products. Use our organic, all-natural skincare collection. The Eurybia Collection is made from organic, all-natural superfoods to keep the skin hydrated, protected, and clean without any phthalates, parabens, or sulfites.
Manage Your Diet When Your Cycle is Starting: Diet plays a significant role in hormonal balance and acne. High sugar and high dairy diets, which are often what we crave when PMS symptoms emerge, can wreak havoc on your skin and menstrual pain by causing further inflammation. Incorporate foods that help reduce inflammation and support hormonal balance, such as omega-3 rich foods, green leafy vegetables, and antioxidants.
Cleanse from the Inside Out: Our Women's Aid Tincture contains stinging nettle, raspberry leaf, and clover to clear the lymphatic system, regulate and balance hormones, and provide relief for painful, heavy periods. Just a dropper a day is enough to provide your body with the proper nutrients to release pain.
Body Alignment: Get in touch with your body by taking our Chakra Tune-Up Course to align your body, mind, and soul. This course can help you get to the root of emotional issues, such as pain, shame, and trauma that could be blocking relief.
Managing hormonal acne involves addressing the issue from multiple angles, including diet, lifestyle, skincare, and possibly professional treatments. By understanding the root causes and making informed changes, you can take control of your skin health. Remember, consistency is key, and with patience, you can achieve clear and healthy skin.
Shop Solutions
Hormonal Acne Bundle:
Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on your skin. Our Hormonal Acne Bundle, featuring the Eurybia Sample Kit or Experience alongside the Women's Aid Tincture, offers a comprehensive approach to restoring balance and clarity. Learn more about how this bundle can help here.